Friday, October 23, 2020

Niue language week 2020

 WALT: Understand Niue language week.

This week we have been learning about Niue language week.  I learned some Niue words such as:

Taha - 1

Ua - 2

Tolu - 3

Fa - 4

Lima - 5

I found it hard to pronounce Niue words.  Next time I could try practicing more.

What is the Niue language week about? 

Niue Language Week provides an opportunity for students to learn, speak, and celebrate the indigenous language of Niue, through language, song, dance, cultural displays, and community events. 

Niue Language Week helps all New Zealander's journey towards shared cultural understandings.

Why is it important? 

Niue Language Week helps all New Zealander's journey towards shared cultural understandings. 

Learning a new language gives us insight into new ways of thinking, and to different beliefs and cultural practices.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Roman
    This post looks really cool, I've never heard of Niue before. It looks a lot like Maori!
    What country is Niue from?
    Miro G, Paroa School, Greymouth
